Last week I challenged you to create a modern engineering marvel, here is what you came up with;

by Luke, age 11, Southern New Jersey, USA.
"My latest Lego Quest model represents an X-Ray booth. This 13 piece construction shows a scared Ron Weasley getting X-Rayed. The back of the model features the Master Builder Academy techinque of sideways building. I placed a collectable minifigures display stand onto a fencelike part by attaching the display stands studs to the holes going through the front/back of the fence. Also, I was originally going to have something that would be making Ron scared, but I decided getting X-Rayed was enough."
by Autumn, age 10, and Brenna, age 11, Katy, Texas, USA.
"We didn't have a lot of time to make something clever, so we stuck with a bridge. It was pretty easy to build, and we did some stop motion! sorry if it's kind of blurry though, we did all of this on Autumn's Nintendo 3DS. Enjoy!"
"We didn't have a lot of time to make something clever, so we stuck with a bridge. It was pretty easy to build, and we did some stop motion! sorry if it's kind of blurry though, we did all of this on Autumn's Nintendo 3DS. Enjoy!"
by Logan, age 12, South Carolina, USA.
"This is the Hoover Dam. It took me two days to build."
by Nathan, age 11, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.

by Marshall, age 9, Canberra, Australia.
"This is my version of a man made modern marvel – the car! The guy with spikey hair is driving a super charged sports car and encounters another man made marvel – the stop light!"

"I made 2 modern marvels of engineering. 1. An airport. There is a baggage truck to the left of the screen. In front of it is the terminal building. To the right (to the back) there is the truck that pushes back the plane from the gate. Next is the yellow control tower and it can ROTATE! Now that plane is a double-decker and the plane has 2 engines on both wings and one at the back and the plane is parking at the gate. The man in front is directing the plane. 2. That black thing is an iPhone.

"She made a boat."

"I call it the U.S.A. bridge tho I couldn't fit the color White in there, and I don't know why I put black on it."

by Zoe, age 13, Saskatchewan, Canada.

by Isaac, age 12, Saskatchewan, Canada.

by Max, age 12, Saskatchewan, Canada.

by Ronan, age 10, Saskatchewan, Canada.

by Joshua, age 8, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.
"Loves planes, ships and steam engines."

by Micah, age 10 and Jeremiah, age 6, Wayne, New Jersey, USA.
"We made a crane at a harbor. The freighter is being loaded."

by Elise, age 8, Wayne, New Jersey, USA.
"I made a bridge for crossing the pond to the park."

by Ashley, age 3, USA.

by Carter, age 5, USA.

by Chandler, age 7, USA.

by Lochlan, age 5, on a farm by Waldheim, Canada.

by Ethan, age 6, USA.
"My creation is called 'Starblaster Droid Transformer Spaceship'. This is because it is both a robot and a spaceship. It blasts stars in the universe to collect light from them for various uses on planet Earth."

by Joey, age 11, Ohio, USA.

by Celine, age 8, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
"This is my Brooklyn Bridge. I studied bridges for school and really wanted to make one out of Lego and the Brooklyn Bridge is my favorite one."

by Caleb, age 6, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
"This is my bridge. I have water running under it with a boat floating in the water. There is also a path that would lead to a castle. I worked very hard on building it."

"Bridge – I built this modern bridge so that it will lift and allow boats to sail under it."

by Sonny, age 8, Australia.
"Helicopter – This helicopter is my modern marvel because it is useful for spying enemy attacks while I’m playing my Lego games."

by Willem, age 6, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

by Julius, age 6, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

"My ship is amazing. It's made from Star Wars Lego. It has 2 electricution missiles. It has wings that can turn around and around. And it's the Jedi Cruiser. And there is a small pod that goes with it. The guys that came with it are named: Obi Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and Saesee Tin and Shaak Ti - they are all Jedi."

by Owen, age 7, North Carolina, USA.
"This speed boat has a motor and can carry two men. Also, it has a command center."

by Alex, age 5, Hamilton, New Zealand.
"It is a car that can go on the water and it can fly. I like cars because otherwise I'll need to walk. I could take a scooter or a bike and my mum could walk but we can go that far."

by Natalie, age 8, New Zealand.
"My creation is a lift which has a builder inside. I put a string to make it go up and down. It was just a square."

by Beren, age 8, near Sydney Australia.

by Luis, age 7, United Arab Emirates.
'This is the tower bridge of London, I can not cross it because the big boat is going under it."

by Joe, age 7, United Arab Emirates.
"I wanted to build a long bridge, and this is as long as I could make it."

by Toby, age 6, Blue Mountains, Australia.
"This is a moon buggy and rock explorer."

by Jack, age 7, Virginia, United States.
"This is a spy camp with a sword that has a hinge piece. The sword is hidden but it can be revealed if you want it to be. Also, there is a little entrance that you have to say a password to enter and it reveals three knives. The last thing is, it has glow in the dark pieces."

by Ian, age 11, Toledo, Ohio, USA.
"His own bridge design."

by Amelia, age 5, Nova Scotia, Canada.

by Luca, age 7, Nova Scotia, Canada.

by Aria, age 9, Huntsville, Ontario, Canada.
"This is a Dam. It controls the amount of water that comes through. There are gears that adjust the flow of the water. There is also a filter that takes out garbage. There are dams all around the world."

by Hannah, age 11.

by William, age 6, New South Wales, Australia.
"This is a bridge I made. I call it the really annoying bridge because it kept breaking when I was making it! "

"I built a train bridge. One of the pictures on the side is a picture from before the bridge was built when the engineers and architects were talking about building it. They are talking about how the bridge will be built. They have a calculator and a printer and some other machines which draw the pictures of what the building will look like. They also have a small USB key beside the printer which is for taking the information from the drawing machine and the caluculator to the printer so the printer can print it and later the builders can build it. In the other inset picture there is a maintenance guy making sure the track is ok, he is standing next to a track switch. We built the bridge based on an aqueduct that we saw in a book. The way the bridge attaches to the columns, the angle pieces, make it strong."

by Remington, age 10, Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA.
"There is a man working on the suspension bridge."

by Elisha, age 7.5, Western Australia.
"It's a satellite."

by Frazer, age 11, Richmond, Virginia, USA.
"Inspired by Boeing Dreamliner with open windows and an unusual and welcoming front."

by Austyn, age 8, Ontario, Canada.
“This is a bridge between two towers. The black and white piece in front is a skyscraper. This gives you an idea of how large this bridge is. On the left side there is an opening at the bottom for cars to drive in and that is where they catch the massive elevator. It holds 50 cars at a time. They go up to the top and can cross over the bridge. The bridge takes about 25 minutes to cross at 100 km/hr. When they are finished being in the right tower they cross back over and go back down the elevator. There is a ton of parking in the towers and people can go there to work, live, shop, take vacations and there are very high viewing areas at the top of each tower.”
"I created a functional LEGO flashlight, an example of electromagnetic engineering."
by Ben, age 11, Huntsville, Ontario, Canada.
"This is a Tunnel. Tunnels allow roads to be built through mountains, rocky terrain, under water and even through trees. It is incredible that modern engineering allows us to do this. I built a tunnel through a mountain. It is a one lane tunnel, the gate stops people to wait their turn. When I visited Wales there was a tunnel like this."
"This is a Tunnel. Tunnels allow roads to be built through mountains, rocky terrain, under water and even through trees. It is incredible that modern engineering allows us to do this. I built a tunnel through a mountain. It is a one lane tunnel, the gate stops people to wait their turn. When I visited Wales there was a tunnel like this."
by Marshall, age 9, Canberra, Australia.
"This is my version of a man made modern marvel – the car! The guy with spikey hair is driving a super charged sports car and encounters another man made marvel – the stop light!"
by Levi, age 11, Queensland, Australia.
"I have built a massive battleship to control the sea. I built it because I love boats and ships and going fishing with my dad. I also made some little bording boats as you can see they are in the water."
"I have built a massive battleship to control the sea. I built it because I love boats and ships and going fishing with my dad. I also made some little bording boats as you can see they are in the water."
by Alex , age 12, Connecticut, USA.
"I decided upon constructing a dam, and to give it a conflict, I added a water leakage which is this worker's nightmare. I call it:' Conflict of the Dam.'"
"I decided upon constructing a dam, and to give it a conflict, I added a water leakage which is this worker's nightmare. I call it:' Conflict of the Dam.'"

by Silas, age 4, British Columbia, Canada.
"This is a hovercraft that goes a little bit above the ground or a little bit above the water."

by Hudson, age 8, Adelaide, Australia.
"I made a train station for a new super speed hover train. The moving platform above the train is able to fit bigger trains. The buildings have awesome things to help make people comfortable and not bored while they wait for their train."

by Damian, age 6, Alberta, Canada.
"This is my speedboat. The four people are making sure that no fish get onto the boat. There are wings at the back."
"This is my speedboat. The four people are making sure that no fish get onto the boat. There are wings at the back."

by Henry, age 5, Poulsbo, Washington, USA.
"A container ship with a satellite on the top."

by Truman, age 9, Poulsbo, Washington, USA.
"He built the Golden Gate Bridge after reading about how it was built."

by Raymond, age 7, Florida, USA.
"I made 2 modern marvels of engineering. 1. An airport. There is a baggage truck to the left of the screen. In front of it is the terminal building. To the right (to the back) there is the truck that pushes back the plane from the gate. Next is the yellow control tower and it can ROTATE! Now that plane is a double-decker and the plane has 2 engines on both wings and one at the back and the plane is parking at the gate. The man in front is directing the plane. 2. That black thing is an iPhone.

by Imani, age 3, Florida, USA.
"She made a boat."
by Caleb, age 9, Iowa, USA.
"I call it the U.S.A. bridge tho I couldn't fit the color White in there, and I don't know why I put black on it."
by Emmett, age 10, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
"I built the CN Tower for this Lego Quest. This is my first submission. I chose it because it is in Toronto and it was the first thing I thought of."
"I built the CN Tower for this Lego Quest. This is my first submission. I chose it because it is in Toronto and it was the first thing I thought of."
by Joe, age 9, England.
" I decided to copy a satellite, but its not exactly the same, so you could say its my own design. By the way this is the Nigerian satellite."
" I decided to copy a satellite, but its not exactly the same, so you could say its my own design. By the way this is the Nigerian satellite."
by Alex, age 7, Missouri, USA.
"I made three types of cranes. The first one is a crane on a truck. The next one that I made is a tower crane. The last one is a crane on tracks."

by Zoe, age 13, Saskatchewan, Canada.
"The Great Pyramids of Egypt and the Sphinx."

by Isaac, age 12, Saskatchewan, Canada.
"The CN Tower, the figures are doing the Sky Walk!"

by Max, age 12, Saskatchewan, Canada.
"Kingda Ka, the world's tallest roller coaster. You can see the people in the car on the left side are spiraling around, just like the real thing."

by Ronan, age 10, Saskatchewan, Canada.
"The Great Wall of China."
by Joshua, age 8, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.
"Loves planes, ships and steam engines."
by Micah, age 10 and Jeremiah, age 6, Wayne, New Jersey, USA.
"We made a crane at a harbor. The freighter is being loaded."
by Elise, age 8, Wayne, New Jersey, USA.
"I made a bridge for crossing the pond to the park."
by Ashley, age 3, USA.
"Built a giant skyscraper with balconies in the middle and many flowers on top."
by Carter, age 5, USA.
"Built a "Hunnel": a "Chunnel" type underwater passage for people to travel between the Hawaiian Islands."
by Chandler, age 7, USA.
"Build a "Hauler": a "Crawler" type machine to help move rockets and shuttles to & from launch pads. His just goes faster and smoother than the current machines."

by Lochlan, age 5, on a farm by Waldheim, Canada.
"I made this engineering marvel. I built the big dig which is a big tunnel underneath Boston."
by Ethan, age 6, USA.
"My creation is called 'Starblaster Droid Transformer Spaceship'. This is because it is both a robot and a spaceship. It blasts stars in the universe to collect light from them for various uses on planet Earth."
by Joey, age 11, Ohio, USA.
"He created a Satellite Drone that orbits the Earth, to defend our planet."
by Celine, age 8, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
"This is my Brooklyn Bridge. I studied bridges for school and really wanted to make one out of Lego and the Brooklyn Bridge is my favorite one."
by Caleb, age 6, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
"This is my bridge. I have water running under it with a boat floating in the water. There is also a path that would lead to a castle. I worked very hard on building it."
by Ruby, age 5, Australia.
"Bridge – I built this modern bridge so that it will lift and allow boats to sail under it."
by Sonny, age 8, Australia.
"Helicopter – This helicopter is my modern marvel because it is useful for spying enemy attacks while I’m playing my Lego games."

by Willem, age 6, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
"Kingda Ka, the world's tallest and second fastest roller coaster."

by Julius, age 6, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
"MS Oasis of the Seas, one of the largest cruise ships in the world. Julius wanted to build Oasis because it was built in Turku, Finland and Julius is half Finnish."
by Sebastian, age 7, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
"My ship is amazing. It's made from Star Wars Lego. It has 2 electricution missiles. It has wings that can turn around and around. And it's the Jedi Cruiser. And there is a small pod that goes with it. The guys that came with it are named: Obi Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker and Saesee Tin and Shaak Ti - they are all Jedi."
"There is a cat face on the back. This car has an engine. It can fly. The guys sits in the back seat while it drives. It has an engine that has two smoke pipes that shoot out steam and make it fly. I like the cat face. It's really cool. The car has a big big big engine. That's why it is able to fly. The end."

by Owen, age 7, North Carolina, USA.
"This speed boat has a motor and can carry two men. Also, it has a command center."
by Alex, age 5, Hamilton, New Zealand.
"It is a car that can go on the water and it can fly. I like cars because otherwise I'll need to walk. I could take a scooter or a bike and my mum could walk but we can go that far."
by Natalie, age 8, New Zealand.
"My creation is a lift which has a builder inside. I put a string to make it go up and down. It was just a square."

by Beren, age 8, near Sydney Australia.
"I have built a pump house including a few tanks of water and a pump with a small office with coffee machine."
by Jason, age 9, Wilmington, North Carolina, USA.
"A dam holding back the water."
by Amee, age 10 and Hannah age 8, Adelaide, Australia.
"Lego Medieval Style Foot Bridge. Underneath is a train station with benches to wait for the train, and a bike path."
"Lego Medieval Style Foot Bridge. Underneath is a train station with benches to wait for the train, and a bike path."
by Luis, age 7, United Arab Emirates.
'This is the tower bridge of London, I can not cross it because the big boat is going under it."
by Joe, age 7, United Arab Emirates.
"I wanted to build a long bridge, and this is as long as I could make it."

by Toby, age 6, Blue Mountains, Australia.
"This is a moon buggy and rock explorer."

by Jack, age 7, Virginia, United States.
"This is a spy camp with a sword that has a hinge piece. The sword is hidden but it can be revealed if you want it to be. Also, there is a little entrance that you have to say a password to enter and it reveals three knives. The last thing is, it has glow in the dark pieces."
by Ian, age 11, Toledo, Ohio, USA.
"His own bridge design."
by Amelia, age 5, Nova Scotia, Canada.
by Luca, age 7, Nova Scotia, Canada.
by Rosalina, age 2, Nova Scotia, Canada.
by Aria, age 9, Huntsville, Ontario, Canada.
"This is a Dam. It controls the amount of water that comes through. There are gears that adjust the flow of the water. There is also a filter that takes out garbage. There are dams all around the world."
by Hannah, age 11.
"This is my bridge. Two people fell in and are being rescued."
"I made a model of my mums laptop. it was fun."
"I decided to make a satellite for my engineering marvel. It was really fun to do."

by William, age 6, New South Wales, Australia.
"This is a bridge I made. I call it the really annoying bridge because it kept breaking when I was making it! "

by Fin, age 7, Guelph, Ontario, Canada.
"I built a train bridge. One of the pictures on the side is a picture from before the bridge was built when the engineers and architects were talking about building it. They are talking about how the bridge will be built. They have a calculator and a printer and some other machines which draw the pictures of what the building will look like. They also have a small USB key beside the printer which is for taking the information from the drawing machine and the caluculator to the printer so the printer can print it and later the builders can build it. In the other inset picture there is a maintenance guy making sure the track is ok, he is standing next to a track switch. We built the bridge based on an aqueduct that we saw in a book. The way the bridge attaches to the columns, the angle pieces, make it strong."
by Remington, age 10, Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA.
"There is a man working on the suspension bridge."

by Elisha, age 7.5, Western Australia.
"It's a satellite."
by Frazer, age 11, Richmond, Virginia, USA.
"Inspired by Boeing Dreamliner with open windows and an unusual and welcoming front."
by Austyn, age 8, Ontario, Canada.
“This is a bridge between two towers. The black and white piece in front is a skyscraper. This gives you an idea of how large this bridge is. On the left side there is an opening at the bottom for cars to drive in and that is where they catch the massive elevator. It holds 50 cars at a time. They go up to the top and can cross over the bridge. The bridge takes about 25 minutes to cross at 100 km/hr. When they are finished being in the right tower they cross back over and go back down the elevator. There is a ton of parking in the towers and people can go there to work, live, shop, take vacations and there are very high viewing areas at the top of each tower.”
by Gabriel, age 8, New Jersey, USA.
"This is my tugboat. The guy in the front is the captain. The other guy is the engineer. He is fixing the steering wheel so it will turn."
"This is a castle with the King and his soldiers. In front of the castle are the defeated enemies."

by Parker, age 7, Georgia, USA.
"For my modern marvel of engineering, I created a rocket... but it is a little bit different from normal rockets that NASA builds. It can discover new planets because it has the ability to carry more fuel than others so it can go farther into space. I also built lasers on the front to blast asteroids when it's traveling through the asteroid belt."
by Harry, age 5, Rhode Island, USA.
"Lego bridge (inspired by the Rialto Bridge in Venice)."

by Jonathan, age 8, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.
"This is a picture of a fishing machine that I invented. Electricity runs through the wires. Which lift the fishing poles which are in the water. If there is fish the person who works there can retrieve the fish. But, if there is no fish then the poles just go back down."

by Braden, age 8, Saskatchewan, Canada.
"This is a modern country side house, incorporating plants into the building. It's my favourite house I have ever built!"
by Lauren, age 5, USA.
"This is a space truck that can drive on the moon."
by Ari, age 10 ½, USA.
"This is a spaceship that carries astronauts through outer space."
by Cody, age 8, London, Ontario, Canada.
"I got a lego book for Christmas and my dad and I made this boat from the book."

by Isaac, age 7, Midlothian, Virginia, USA.
"My creation is a modern pirate ship. I made it flat on the bottom so it could sail close to land without hitting the bottom. The staff on the front has a lantern so the crew members can see their way in the night. The flag shows who they are."

by Steven, age 6, Marietta, Georgia, USA.
"Eiffel Tower."

by Evelyn, age 3, Marietta, Georgia, USA.
"Type of Airplane."
"Flying Machine."
"For Modern Engineering I made a train engine that is supposed to be the Polar Express engine. It has the hobo on top with a campfire and he is roasting a turkey leg. You can not see the conductor because he is inside the train. "

by Ivor, age 4, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada.
"This is my airplane. A convertible jet airplane."

by Victor, age 6, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada.
"This is an el Camino tow truck. It would be used to carry stuff and tow cars."

by Carolyn, age 8, Cambridge, Ontario, Canada.
"This is a pit stop for a race car. I built a control tower, a race car and the tools that the crew uses to make the car work right."
by Joelle, age 4, Tucson, Arizona, USA.
"This is a colorful bridge with an orange boat sailing under it and a pink and blue train on top."
by Aaron, age 7, Tucson, Arizona, USA.
"This is a fighter jet and Clone Commander Cody is flying it."
by Sal, age 7, Michigan, USA.
" I made a bridge out of my legos. There is also a seesaw in the park and a fisherman and his dog. There is a Policeman driving over the bridge."