I am overwhelmed (in a good way)! Below are 75 totally unique, creative design solutions to the "30 Pieces" challenge. Due to the high number of submissions I am unable to comment. There is so many amazing things you people did with these simple 30 pieces. My mind has been blown! I wish I could tell you all personally how cool your submission is, so perhaps in the comment section, those willing to leave some kind words to our designers are welcome to!

by Keegan, age 6, Hong Kong.
"This is a lady's hand with red nail polish and a blue bracelet."
"This is a lady's hand with red nail polish and a blue bracelet."

by Ossama, age 9, Cairo, Egypt.
"This is the speeder from Star Wars. The hover jets on the bottom (which you can’t see) are the 1x1 round Lego’s."
by Tehana, age 8, Waikato, New Zealand.
"I made a bathroom sink / basin with my 30 pieces. I used two plates so you could see which is the hot (red) and which is the cold (blue) tap / faucet. I used the other 3 to make a soap dispenser."
by Yash, age 6.5, Hong Kong.
Inspired by his new skateboard. "A boy is skateboarding over a lot of obstacles. He is standing on his yellow skateboard and ready to go over the obstacles in his path. The little orange, blue, yellow, black and red pieces are the bumps he will go over."
Inspired by his new skateboard. "A boy is skateboarding over a lot of obstacles. He is standing on his yellow skateboard and ready to go over the obstacles in his path. The little orange, blue, yellow, black and red pieces are the bumps he will go over."

by Rachel, age 9, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
"We were reading about the Burj Dubai on the internet. This is Rachel's rendition in Lego. I added a photo inset for comparison."
by Dominic, age 10, South Australia.
"I made a container ship; It carries containers full of freight; This was a cool challenge."
by Lucas, age 9, South Australia.
"I made an ice breaker ship; It moves ice out of the way. It was fun making it."
by Kathleen, age 10, Kincardine Ontario, Canada.
"I made a tree,and a sidewalk with bricks."

by Peter, age 6, Santa Clara, California, USA.
"It is a white castle in a white land. Actually it is sitting on our freezer."
"It is a white castle in a white land. Actually it is sitting on our freezer."
by Andrew, age 12, Kincardine Ontario, Canada.
"I used the bricks to make a tent and campfire!"

by Megan, age 8, Alabama, USA.
"A mango forest with mango fruit."
by Nithya, age 8, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
"This is a rectangular flower bed, with colourful flowers blooming in it."
by Guin, age 6, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, USA.
"It’s a dragon. The stuff coming off of its head is its hair."
by Nathan, age 10, Cincinnati Ohio, USA.
"I built an apple tree for my project. It is standing by the lakeside, along with two ducks (my artwork)."

by Ella, age 7, Martensville, Saskatchewan, Canada.

"I made mine to look like a sea serpent."

"I made this to look like a robotic dinosaur."

"A park scene with a piano."


"This beach has flowers and grass on one side of the sand and the ocean on the other. There's a gray shell sitting on the beach near a sand castle. Oh no! A little wave is going to destroy my sand castle! AND A TIDAL WAVE IS COMING!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!"

"This is God's Holy Temple. As you can see, it is decorated with precious stones and lights. It has a cross at the top, too!"

by Jai, age 9, Sooke, British Columbia, Canada.
"I built a human building. Our dog is about to eat the human building."
"I built a human building. Our dog is about to eat the human building."
"Turtle Dog."

"The number thirty made with thirty lego pieces."

"I built this because of that book we read about skyscapers and building the Empire State Building. This is a skyscraper." (mom's note: the book is called "Sky Boys")

"It is a castle that has a ton of lights. It is full of excited people wanting to dance with the prince."

"I made a king (in the back) and these are the two guards protecting him (pieces in the front)."

"I made a robot and I call it R377. It can shoot lasers and fly and also has a hammer on the back of its head."

"The main part is a robot from Saturn. The little lego pieces are flowers. The robot is visiting our earth to destroy it once he finds comrades."

"This is a city with a skyscraper in the middle. The building to the left of the tall skyscraper with the green top is a library. The one to the right, with the yellow roof, is recreation centre. The little ones at the front are houses in a small subdivision. The orange building at the far right is a recycling centre. The red building behind the library is a science laboratory. "

"This is the Eiffel Tower. It has a girl on top of it. The funniest thing about it is that it has an eye on top of it. I made it up in my head."

by Eric, age 9, Michigan, USA.

"The number thirty made with thirty lego pieces."
by Alex, age 4 1/2, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania , USA.
"It's a huge rainbow tower. It's actually an American Flag [top 5 blocks] and this is the pole. It's an American Flag so it needs to be clean cause that's the symbol for 'Welcome to America.'"
"It's a huge rainbow tower. It's actually an American Flag [top 5 blocks] and this is the pole. It's an American Flag so it needs to be clean cause that's the symbol for 'Welcome to America.'"

"I built this because of that book we read about skyscapers and building the Empire State Building. This is a skyscraper." (mom's note: the book is called "Sky Boys")
by Micah, age 6, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
"This is the head of a lion because I couldn't make a whole lion."
"This is the head of a lion because I couldn't make a whole lion."

“My alien has funky hair and is doing beat boxing.”

“This is a guy sitting on a bench with his drink”

"A jungle tree with apples in the middle."

"Its a fireplace."
by Sam, age 7 1/2, California, USA.
"The one gold brick is secret and this is the place where it is kept. The two things next to it is dynamite and if those explode, the big gray brick will jump on and protect the gold piece. The end."
"The one gold brick is secret and this is the place where it is kept. The two things next to it is dynamite and if those explode, the big gray brick will jump on and protect the gold piece. The end."

"It is the space needle in Seattle Washington."
by Eli, age 5, Greenville, South Carolina, USA.
"A Rainbow Tower. The guys sit in the blue part and send out radio signals to everybody."
"A Rainbow Tower. The guys sit in the blue part and send out radio signals to everybody."
by Callum, age 2, Greenville, South Carolina, USA.
"A Dragon. He doesn't breathe fire because he's a nice dragon."
"A Dragon. He doesn't breathe fire because he's a nice dragon."
by Owen, age 8, Union, New Jersey, USA.
“It’s a robot and the bricks under it are broken buildings. That is all I can say ‘cause if I said anymore it would kill me.”
“It’s a robot and the bricks under it are broken buildings. That is all I can say ‘cause if I said anymore it would kill me.”
by Caedmon, age 6, South Carolina, USA.
"The orange and green pieces are the motors. As you can see, it is something that you might picture out of space. It's a star fighter. In reality, it's a lot bigger than the picture."
"The orange and green pieces are the motors. As you can see, it is something that you might picture out of space. It's a star fighter. In reality, it's a lot bigger than the picture."

"It is a castle that has a ton of lights. It is full of excited people wanting to dance with the prince."

"I made a king (in the back) and these are the two guards protecting him (pieces in the front)."

"I made a robot and I call it R377. It can shoot lasers and fly and also has a hammer on the back of its head."

"this is a christmas tree. as you can see i have put some lights on the top of the christmas tree. it was hard to make something with 30 pieces. i made several 30 piece creations, it was also very hard to decide which to send to you. i hope that you like the christmas tree."

"A Robot."

"This is a bed for my Minifig."

"This is a dog."

"This is a wall. It has a door in it."

"This is a robot. It is in Kenya. It is studying the animals of Kenya.'
"The main part is a robot from Saturn. The little lego pieces are flowers. The robot is visiting our earth to destroy it once he finds comrades."
"This is a city with a skyscraper in the middle. The building to the left of the tall skyscraper with the green top is a library. The one to the right, with the yellow roof, is recreation centre. The little ones at the front are houses in a small subdivision. The orange building at the far right is a recycling centre. The red building behind the library is a science laboratory. "
by Jeffery, age 11, Torrington, Wyoming, USA.
"It is named Legbert after our algae eater named Albert."
"This is a walking TV. It's name is Robot Television."
"This is a robotosaurus. He has big teeth and little arms, like a T-Rex. He has 30 pieces."

"This is the Eiffel Tower. It has a girl on top of it. The funniest thing about it is that it has an eye on top of it. I made it up in my head."
"Lego Village". From left to right the creations are a crystal, a portal, a crocodile and "robot 2". He just let his imagination guide him.
"Evil Robot Duck". Mason kept mentioning how "hard" the challenge was while building since there were an odd number of each piece.
"A race car."
"A chair."
by Eric, age 9, Michigan, USA.
"A monster with a tail."

"This is the White Witch from the "Lion and the Witch and the Wardrobe" sitting on her throne in her castle. Her wolf, Maugrim, is with her. He is the captain of the secret police."

"I made a steam engine and this is Mr Watt who is improving it."

"This is my tower of Legos."

by Chris, age 12, Kennewick, Washington, USA.
"I wanted to make a small animal using the clear pieces as eyes, and gold studs as teeth. I came up with this creatures I call Yobys. The black Yoby is the Yoby King, he only has one ear because he lost it in the battle he won to become King. The green Yoby is his minion."
"I wanted to make a small animal using the clear pieces as eyes, and gold studs as teeth. I came up with this creatures I call Yobys. The black Yoby is the Yoby King, he only has one ear because he lost it in the battle he won to become King. The green Yoby is his minion."
"Empire State Building"
"I built a house for my project. Notice I used the 5 circle pieces for the chimney."
by Finn, age 6 3/4, Austin, Texas, USA.
"I worked really hard on this. I hope you like it. It's a super-high Ninja Monster. I thought it was hard to only have certain pieces, but it made my brain work hard."
"I worked really hard on this. I hope you like it. It's a super-high Ninja Monster. I thought it was hard to only have certain pieces, but it made my brain work hard."

"This is the White Witch from the "Lion and the Witch and the Wardrobe" sitting on her throne in her castle. Her wolf, Maugrim, is with her. He is the captain of the secret police."

"I made a steam engine and this is Mr Watt who is improving it."
by Bowie, age 6, Austin, Texas, USA.
"My name is Bowie. I am 6 years old. I created this sculpture of 2 tortoises sunbathing on boulders. You may notice that there is a small orange tiny rock that is attached to the boulder."
"My name is Bowie. I am 6 years old. I created this sculpture of 2 tortoises sunbathing on boulders. You may notice that there is a small orange tiny rock that is attached to the boulder."

"This dragon just ate a cute, little, baby snake! Awe, meany!!!"
by Caitlyn, age 5, South Texas, USA.
"This is my ballet studio. I go there to dance two times a week. The students are at the bar. The teacher is teaching the class. At the back of the room you will see the door (pink) and the window where the mommies and the daddies watch."
"This is my ballet studio. I go there to dance two times a week. The students are at the bar. The teacher is teaching the class. At the back of the room you will see the door (pink) and the window where the mommies and the daddies watch."
by Tal, age 12, Southern California, USA.
"The YSS-1000-Sabre (inspired by Halo). It's a planetary defense system, with extremely effective plasma lasers and a bombing mechanism."